

Teen Reads

Wondering what book to read next? Checkout these great titles!

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Teen Featured Online Resource

High School

Resources for high school-level core subjects, including reference articles, periodical & newspaper articles, primary sources, and more.

Teen VolunteeringTeen Volunteering

Teens - Interested in volunteering at the library?

Teens - Interested in volunteering at the library?

Standalone Teen Graphic Novels

Love a graphic novels but hate waiting for the next title in the series? Here's a list of 12 awesome standalone titles you can enjoy!

Celebrate Diverse Books

April is Celebrate Diversity Month. Check out some of these diverse teen novels!

Teen Short Story Anthologies

Celebrate NaNoWriMo, which promotes creative writing, by reading a book of short stories! Get some inspiration to start writing!

Teen Non-Fiction Reads

Check out these non-fiction reads for teens!

Teen reviews

Reviewed by Teens

Can’t decide what to read next? Need a new book to read? Looking for one of the classics? Check out what our teen volunteers are reading!

Events for Teens

Online Resources for Teens

Academic OneFile

Working on a research paper? Try this database! Full-text access to scholarly journals, plus Financial Times, The New York Times, and more.

Britannica Online

The classic encyclopedia, with articles for children, young adults, and adult researchers.

Global Issues

Provides users with the tools they need to understand today’s world issues from a global perspective.

Opposing Viewpoints

Viewpoint (pro/con) articles, topic overviews, full-text magazine, academic journal, and newspaper articles on controversial topics.
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