Magazines & Newspapers

Magazines & Newspapers

Read Online

Magazine & newspaper databases

cloudLibrary NewsStand

Magazines & Newspapers from around the world. Available in app only: click the Magazines button to get started.

Consumer Reports

Check out product reviews and shopping tips from Consumer Reports, free with your library card.

General OneFile

Provides periodical and news information through an intuitive, user-friendly search interface for researchers at all levels.

Read at the Library

The Chandler libraries subscribe to various print newspapers and magazines, and we keep select archives. Magazines and newspapers can be used in the library or copied/scanned. Back issues of some magazines may be checked out.

  1. Search our catalog by magazine or newspaper title to see if we own it in print.
  2. See a PDF list of magazine and newspaper titles held at all four library locations.
  3. Get a complete catalog listing of all of our periodicals, including books and reference materials updated periodically. (You may wish to sort by title for better browsing.)
  4. Call 480-782-2800 to find out which titles are available.

Need Scholarly Journals?

We have access to select scholarly journals in these databases. Try an Advanced Search and choose the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, or Refereed Publications option.

If you are a college or university student, your school library likely subscribes to databases with better coverage of scholarly and professional journals, which you can probably access using your student ID.

Academic OneFile

Working on a research paper? Try this database! Full-text access to scholarly journals, plus Financial Times, The New York Times, and more.


Biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history and around the world.

General OneFile

Provides periodical and news information through an intuitive, user-friendly search interface for researchers at all levels.

Global Issues

Provides users with the tools they need to understand today’s world issues from a global perspective.

Information evaluation blog post

Reliable Information Online

Is it true? It can be hard to know if what you read online is true. Learn tips for evaluating information and how to find the best.
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