Is the book you want unavailable?
Try MAX - Maricopa County's Book Sharing Service. If your book is available at a partner library, they'll send it here for you to check out! Best for books you want to read soon that are checked out or not available at Chandler Libraries.
MAX is a countywide book sharing service between public libraries throughout Maricopa County. If your library does not have a book you are looking for, search MAX, opens a new window to see if it is available from one of our partner libraries.
- You may use up to 5 books at a time from the MAX catalog. This includes active MAX requests and books checked out through MAX.
Example: I have 3 books checked out through MAX. I can place 2 more requests. - Use your Chandler library card number and PIN to request books and select your pickup location.
- The partner library will send the book to your pickup library (at no cost to you!)
- You will be notified when your item is ready for pickup. Most MAX books will be on the holds shelf. Ask at the Information Desk if your book is not on the holds shelf, as some must be checked out at the desk.
- MAX books check out for 3 weeks. They cannot be renewed.
- You may use up to 5 books at a time from the MAX catalog. This includes active MAX requests and books checked out through MAX.
- When finished, simply return your MAX books to the library where you checked them out.
- If you have your own library cards with MAX partner libraries, please keep track of which books you checked out directly from those libraries and which you checked out from Chandler Library through MAX. MAX books checked out with your Chandler Library card must be returned to Chandler Library.
Example: I checked out Curious George from Scottsdale Library. Then I went to Chandler Library to check out Green Eggs and Ham but it was not available, so I requested it through MAX. Scottsdale Library sent a copy to Chandler Library for me to check out. Green Eggs and Ham must be returned to Chandler Library. Curious George should be returned to Scottsdale Library.
- Books borrowed from MAX are not eligible for renewal.
- MAX books check out for 3 weeks only.
- There is no fee to use the MAX service.
- If you damage or lose a MAX book, you will be charged a $20 fee. Books go into lost status 14 days past their due date.
- If you see damage on the book before checking it out, please notify your library as soon as possible.
- Because Chandler Public Library does not charge overdue fees, you will not be charged for books 1-13 days past their due date. However, we ask you to return the courtesy of our member libraries and return MAX items on time.
- Only items that are currently available at a member library can be requested. If all copies are checked out, you will receive an error message when you place your request. Please check back later to see if copies are available. Holds cannot be placed in the MAX system.
- Availability in MAX depends on what the member libraries choose to include. Most do not lend new books, DVDs or other media, for example.
- Items that a member library declines to send due to popularity, damage or other reasons will cancel the MAX request. You may re-request the item if another member library has a copy available.

Didn't find what you wanted in our catalog?
Cardholders can now make purchase suggestions directly from their library account (login required). Best for popular titles published within the last few years that would be a good choice for Chandler Library to own.
Suggest a Purchase FAQs
Chandler Public Library accepts requests from library cardholders who want us to purchase items we don't own. Please log in to your library account and visit the Suggested Purchases page.
We will respond in your library account under Suggested Purchases.
If you requested a hold and we're able to purchase the item, a hold will be placed for you and you'll be notified when it's available for pickup.
You can request books, graphic novels, large print books, DVDs and audiobooks on CD. To request ebooks or audio ebooks, please visit CloudLibrary.
Chandler Public Library focuses on newer, popular materials. We will be likelier to order items with a broad target audience that have been published in the last few years. Items must be available from major vendors.
If you are looking for older, academic or specialized books, Interlibrary Loan may be a better option.
See more at our Collection Management Policy.

Need to borrow from another library?
Interlibrary loan is a paid service allowing patrons of one library to borrow materials that are owned by another library. Good for books that aren't available at Chandler Library or MAX partners, especially older, academic, or specialized titles.
Interlibrary Loan FAQs
There is a $6.00 service fee for each filled ILL request (payable on checkout).
ILL service is available to any Chandler Library cardholder in good standing, with no outstanding fines or blocks.
- Bestsellers and books published in the last 12 months.
- Videos, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs
- Textbooks and reference books
- Books from libraries outside of the continental U.S.
- Books from libraries in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or any other U.S. territories, holdings or interests which are not part of the lower 48 states
- Items for which lending institutions require a charge or service fee
You will be notified by email or phone when your Interlibrary Loan item arrives. Items to be picked up at the Downtown location are available immediately. Circulation staff at Basha, Hamilton or Sunset will call and let you know when an item has arrived at the branch location. There will be a $6.00 fee for ILL items requested but not picked up. This also includes canceled requests if the item has been shipped.
Depending on the terms set by the lending library, usually two to three weeks. Interlibrary Loan items cannot be renewed.