Hamilton Memory Cafe

Does someone you care for live with memory loss? Join us at the Hamilton Library for our new monthly Memory Cafe, on the second Friday of every month at 10 a.m. This program offers a comfortable, safe, and engaging place for people living with memory loss along with their caregivers to meet with others in a like situation. We offer fun activities for those living with memory loss, while small groups of caregivers can share information and experiences. Learn and build new skills, gain peer support, and discover ideas to enhance your quality of life and the quality of life for the person you provide care for. Participation is always free of charge and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Looking for more resources? Search the library catalog for books and ebooks on Alzheimer’s and dementia, including guides for caretakers, memoirs, and other titles. You can find research-oriented materials in Academic OneFile, a collection of articles from scholarly and professional journals. Our streaming video service, Kanopy, features titles such as the PBS documentary Alzheimer’s: Every Minute Counts and the training video Caregiver Proficiency: Alzheimer’s Disease Patient. It’s all free with your Chandler Library card.